[. . . ] It is up to you to prepare a large Phillips head (+) screwdriver for assembly. [. . . ] Attach the brackets to the pedal unit, and loosely tighten them in place with the screws. Remove the screws that hold the metal pieces in place on the back corners (the corners that face away from the pianist) of the side panels of the stand. Insert the plates on either end of the pedal unit into the space between the edge of the side panels and metal pieces. * The illustration below shows installation when the metal pieces are positioned to guard against the stand tipping over. : When tightening the metal piece screws, press down on the pedal unit to ensure that the pedal part comes into contact with the floor. Orienting the pedal unit plug as shown in the illustration, plug it into the pedal connector on the bottom of the piano. [. . . ] Note that you must install the two clips on the side panel of the stand as shown in the illustration. [. . . ]